International OCD Foundation

What about hoarding? 
​What other help is available?

​What really is chronic disorganization, and how do i know if that is me?

A person with Chronic Disorganization has a history of disorganization where self-help efforts have failed, whose current quality of life is undermined due to disorganization, and where there's the expectation that disorganization will continue. In some cases, this includes hoarding. 

Hoarding may result from problems with a person's information-processing or may result from emotional trauma and/or mental illness. Many of my clients use the "stuff" to self-soothe, similar to alcohol or drugs or other addictions. 


The Institute for Challenging Disorganization, (formerly the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization),  is an organization educating professional organizers and related professionals in the study of Chronic Disorganization and methods for serving people with CD.

The ICD also provides individuals with an assessment tool to help identify particular areas of challenge. Click here to access the ICD Clutter Hoarding Scale.

The International OCD Foundation is another excellent resource for up-to-date and accurate information about hoarding and its treatment.  Education,, training, research and advocacy are some of their goals. 

The Hoarding Project is a phenomenal supportive environment that brings together people who hoard, their families and friends, professionals, researchers, and the media. They help begin the tough conversations about hoarding behavior. 

Three other resources to check out include Children of Hoarders, Clutterers Anonymous and Messies Anonymous.  Click their links below to access their websites. 
